The following is a collection of research on our topic, published by action members before Writing Urban Places. Work published during the action is included in the output section of this library. With this collection we intend to provide an overview of the different investigations on literature and the city carried out by action members, in the hope they will be useful to others and even lead to new collaborations.
Action members interested in adding their work to this bibliography can send their entries (please follow Chicago rules of style strictly) to
Alves, Daniel. “Shopkeepers and the City: The Spatial Economy of the Retail Trade in a European Capital City (Lisbon, 1890–1910).” History of Retailing and Consumption 3, no. 2 (2017): 139–58.
Alves, Daniel, and Ana Isabel Queiroz. “Exploring Literary Landscapes: From Texts to Spatiotemporal Analysis through Collaborative Work and GIS.” International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing 9, no. 1 (2015): 57–73.
Alves, Daniel, e Ana Isabel Queiroz. “Studying Urban Space and Literary Representations Using GIS: Lisbon, Portugal, 1852-2009.” Social Science History 37, no. 4 (2013): 457–81.
Baptista, Luis Santiago, and Maria Rita Pais Autoria (eds). Viagem ao Invisível. Lisboa: Teatro Thalia, 2017.
Bostenaru Dan, Maria.. “The scales of maps.” EURAU 2016 European Symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban Design: In Between Scales 1071-1079 (September 2016): 57-64.
Bostenaru Dan, Maria, and Iuliana Armas. “One learns wisdom by suffering. Knowledge, experience and learning in dealing with risks. Contributions from science and practice to the 27th meeting of the working group natural hazards/ natural risks.” Integrative Risk and Security Research 3, no.2015 (December 2015): 94.
Bostenaru Dan, Maria. “Mapping Swabian migration in the 18th century to NW Romania (Sathmar county)”. Geopatterns 3, no. 2 ( 2018): 26-34.
Bostenaru Dan, Maria. “Southern German Baroque and immigration to Sathmar (Romania).” Journal of Urban and Landscape Planning Review 4, no. 1(2019): 44-53. Available online at
Bostenaru Dan, Maria. “The landscape of Danube from springs to the delta.” Book of Abstracts University of Vienna, Austria Marie Curie Association Annual Conference (February 2019). Available online at
Bostenaru Dan, Maria. “Contributions to WG4 outcome photographic database and competitions of COST RELY.” Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions. 9, no. 4 (2018): 331-336. DOI:
Bostenaru Dan, Maria. “Capitolul 5 / Kapitel 5 Emily Brontë WUTHERING HEIGHTS.” Spaţiul verde redescoperit – Der wiederentdeckte Grünraum, by Maria Bostenaru Dan. (2010): 124-158.
Bostenaru Dan, Maria. “Introduction: Traditional and modern.”Vernacular and Modernist Housing in Germany and Romania. An Analysis of Vulnerability to Earthquakes. (2010): 6-21.
van den Heuvel, D. (ed.), Tanis, F. (ed.) & Van der Meer, B. R. (ed.), 2022, TU Delft and Het Nieuwe Instituut. 156 p.
Câmara, Alexandra Gago da, Carlo Bottaini, Daniel Alves, Helena Murteira, Hugo Barreira, Maria Leonor Botelho, and Paulo Simões Rodrigues, (eds.) “Cities in the Digital Age: Exploring Past, Present and Future.” CITCEM – Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar Cultura, Espaço e Memória, (2018). https:/ / /9789898970107/citi
Charley, Jonathan (ed). 2018. Research Companion to Architecture, Literature and the City. London: Routledge.
Constâncio, Natália, Daniel Alves, and Ana Isabel Queiroz. “Atlas das Paisagens Literárias de Portugal Continental como uma ferramenta para o turismo literário.” CULTUR – Revista de Cultura e Turismo 13, no. 2 (2019).
Cristea, Alina, Marin, Ileana, and Sanders, Mira. Micronarratives and the City. An Annotated Map of Bucharest. Brussels: Grafische Cel, 2023.
Doucet, Isabelle, and Kim Föster, Lutz Robbers, Axel Sowa (eds.). “Candide” Journal for Architectural Knowledge, no. 5 (2019).
Dumreicher, H., Kolb, B., Kollai, I., Levine, R., Stan, A., 2017. ”Bridges into the future”. In Benko, M., Pavel, G., Vitkova, L. (Eds). Book on Unexplored Cultural Heritage in Communities by the Danube: DANUrB 2017- 2019, Praha: Gasset, 118-125,
Gallardo-Saborido, Emilio J. “Crime and the City: A Critical Walk through Latin American Crime Fiction and Urban Places”, Latin American Literature in Transition 1930-1980, edited by Amanda Holmes and Par Kumaraswami, Cambridge University Press, 2023, pp. 131-145.
Havik, Klaske. 2018. “Writing Urban Atmospheres.” In Research Companion to Architecture, Literature and the City, edited by Jonathan Charley (ed), 270-282. London: Routledge.
Havik, Klaske. 2018. “How Places Speak: A Plea for Poetic Receptivity in Architectural Research” In Reading Architecture: Literary Imagination and Architectural Experience, edited by Angeliki Sioli and Yoonchun Jung, 61-71. London: Routledge.
Havik, Klaske and Pekka Pasinmäki (eds). “Understanding and Designing Place.” Datutop 38 (2019).
Havik, Klaske, and Susana Oliveira, Jacob Voorthuis and Noortje Weenink (eds). “Inscription: Tracing Place: History and Memory in Architectural and Literary Practice.” Writingplace: Journal for Architecture and Literature, no. 2
Havik, Klaske, and Bruno Notteboom and Saskia de Wit, “Narrating Urban Landscapes.” OASE, no. 98 (2007).
Havik, Klaske, and Jorge Mejia Hernandez, Susana Oliveira (et al, eds). “Investigations in Architecture and Literature.” Writingplace: Journal for Architecture and Literature, no.1 (2016).
Havik, Klaske, and Susana Oliveira, Jacob Voorthuis and Noortje Weenink “Inscriptions: Tracing Place. History and Memory in Architectural and Literary Practice.” Writingplace: Journal for Architecture and Literature, no.2 (2018).
Havik, Klaske, and Marko Jobst, Helene Frichot and Catharina Gabrielsson (eds). “Reading(s) and Writing(s). Unfolding Processes of Transversal Writing.” Writingplace: Journal for Architecture and Literature, no.3 (2019).
Havik, Klaske, and Rajesh Heynickx, Angeliki Sioli. “Choices and Strategies of Spatial Imagination.” Writingplace: Journal for Architecture and Literature, no.4 (2020).
Havik, Klaske. “How Places Speak: A Plea for Poetic Receptivity in Architectural Research” in: Angeliki Sioli and Yoonchun Jung, Reading Architecture: Literary Imagination and Architectural Experience, (London: Routledge, 2018): 61-71.
Havik, Klaske, and Kris Pint, Svava Riesto and Henriette Steiner. 2020. Vademecum: 77 Minor Terms for Writing Urban Places. Rotterdam: nai010publishers.
“History of Merli/Merle family name.” Video file, 31:16. Youtube. Posted by Maria Bostenaru Dan, April 28, 2020.
Jones, Alasdair. On South Bank: the production of public space. London: Routledge, 2014.
Jones, Alasdair. “Everyday without exception? Making space for the exceptional in contemporary sociological studies of streetlife.” The Sociological Review 66, no. 5 (2018): 1000-1016.
Jones, Alasdair. “Public realm ethnography: (Non-)participation, co-presence and the challenge of situated multiplicity.” Urban Studies 58, no. 2 (2021): 425-440.
Jovovic, Tatjana. “The Explosive Potential of Artistic Activism: Factors – Functions – Response“. Quaestio Rossica Vol. 9, №2 (2021), 471– 486. Online ISSN: 2313-6871; Print ISSN: 2311-911X. DOI 10.15826/qr.2021.2.590.
Kristianova, Katarina, Kaisheva, Margarita, and Bostenaru Dan, Maria. 2010. “Natural landscapes.” In Book on the Unexplored Cultural Heritage in Communities by the Danube, edited by Benko Melinda, Gregor Pavel, Lubica Vitkova, 24-31. Prague: Nakladatelství Gasset.
Mejía Hernández, Jorge. “Transactions; or Architecture as a System of Research Programs” PhD diss., TU Delft, 2018.
Mejía Hernández, Jorge. “The Ornate Function, or Poetic Purpose.” February 24, 2015.
Mejía Hernández, Jorge. “Writing, Filming, Building: Using a Taxonomy of Moviegoers to Appraise Spatial Imagination in Architecture” Writingplace Journal 4 (2020) 128 – 139
Mensing-de Jong, Angela (ed.). „City_Campus_City: TU Bergakademie Freiberg“. Documentation of the International Workshop and Projects for the Campus Development. Chair of Urban Design, TU Dresden (2021) ISBN 978-3965323339
Mensing-de Jong, Angela (ed.). “Aš and Selb: Unified by the Border”, Documentation of the International Workshop and Projects along the Czech-German Border. Chair of Urban Design, TU Dresden (2020) ISBN 978-3965324848
Musiol, Hanna. “Cartographic Storytelling, Migration, and Reception Environments,” Environment, Space, Place 12, no. 2 (2020): 1–30.
Narratives #1: Mediterranean and Atlantic cities Tanis, F. (ed.), van der Hoeven, F. D. (ed.) & Schrijver, L. (ed.), 2021, In: Spool. Journal of Architecture and the Built Environment. 8, 1 #1, 153 p.
Narratives of Eastern Mediterranean and Atlantic European cities Tanis, F., van der Hoeven, F. & Schrijver, L., 2021, In: Spool. 8, 1 #1, p. 3-4.
NIKŠIČ, Matej. Civil initiatives improving urban public spaces. V: NIKŠIČ, Matej, GORŠIČ, Nina, TOMINC, Biba. Human cities : challenging the city scale 2014-2018 : investigation. Saint-Etienne: Cité du design, 2018. pp. 131-141.
NIKŠIČ, Matej. Participatory revitalisation of urban public open space : urban planners’ skills needed for improvement of urban public spaces in participatory manner. In: NOVAKOVIĆ, Nevena (ur.), GROM, Janez Peter (ur.), FIKFAK, Alenka (ur.). Realms of urban design : mapping sustainability. Delft: TU Delft Open, 2018. pp. 197-214.
NIKŠIČ, Matej, GORŠIČ, Nina, TOMINC, Biba. Tools for paticipatory provision of urban public spaces : Human Citiea experience. In: NIKŠIČ, Matej, GORŠIČ, Nina, TOMINC, Biba. Human cities : challenging the city scale 2014-2018 : investigation. Saint-Etienne: Cité du design, 2018. pp. 7-23.
NIKŠIČ, Matej, TOMINC, Biba, GORŠIČ, Nina. Revealing residents’ shared values through crowdsourced photography : experimental approach in participatory urban regeneration. Urbani izziv. [Tiskana izd.]. 2018, vol. 29, special issue, suppl., pp. 29-42.
NIKŠIČ, Matej, WATSON, Georgia Butina. Urban public open space in the mental image of users : the elements connecting urban public open spaces in a spatial network. Journal of urban design. 2018, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 859-882.
Novak, Sonja. “A City of One’s Own: Heterotopias in Ivana Šojat’s Unterstadt”. Zeitschrift für Slawistik 66, no. 2 (2021): 249-268.
Oliveira, Susana. “Paul Scheerbart’s Kaleidoscopic Fantasies”. Brumal. Revista de investigación sobre lo Fantástico 5, no. 2, (December 2017): 11-26.
Oliveira, Susana. “A Grande Sombra – Estudo sobre um Tema do Sublime Arquitectónico.” In Linha do Horizonte, edited by Rodrigues, Ana Leonor, M. Rodrigues and P. Janeiro (orgs), 134-147. Lisboa: Centro Editorial Faculdade de Arquitectura – UTL.
Oliveira, Susana. “A Caverna Platónica: Construção Metafórica e Mecanismo de Projecção.” In MONO-Disperso, edited by FBAUP, 60-77. Universidade do Porto.
Oliveira, Susana and Pedro Gadanho (eds). 2013. Once Upon a Place – Architecture and Fiction. Lisboa: Editora Caleidoscópio.
Oliveira, Susana. Lições das Sombras: Imagens e Histórias das Sombras Projectadas na Experiência e Conhecimento do Mundo. FCG/FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Textos Universitários em Ciências Sociais e Humanas, (2012): 415, Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Oliveira, Susana, and Jean-François Bastide (ed.). 2013. A Casinha dos Prazeres, (La Petite Maison, 1758), trad. António Mega Ferreira, desenhos de Arq. Álvaro Siza Vieira, Lisboa: Abysmo.
Port City Architecture: Reading Paintings as an Architectural Design Method Tanis, F., 2021, In: Spool. Journal of Architecture and the Built Environment. 8, 1 #1, p. 139-153
Port City Narratives: Cosmopolitan History of İzmir Tanis, F., 2021, Fieldwork Within Network: Mapping, Performing, Sharing. Velevski, S. & Baptista, L. S. (eds.). p. 26-31.
Queiroz, Ana Isabel, and Daniel Alves. 2014. “Introdução à geografia literária do fado.” In Paisagens Literárias e Percursos do Fado, edited by Ana Isabel Queiroz, 6–14. Lisboa: FCSH/NOVA.
Queiroz, Ana Isabel, and Daniel Alves. 2012. Lisboa, lugares da literatura: História e Geografia na Narrativa de Ficção do Século XIX à Actualidade. Lisboa: Apenas Livros.
Queiroz, Ana Isabel, and Daniel Alves. 2015. “Walking Through the Revolution: A Spatial Reading of Literary Echoes.” JSSE-Journal of Social Science Education 14, no. 2: 4–16.
Quinteiro, Sílvia; Marques, Maria José (2022) Working Definitions in Literature and Tourism: A Research Guide. Faro, Portugal: CIAC / Universidade do Algarve.
Quinteiro, Sílvia. (2022). Literature and tourism: When the path follows the myth. In Giuseppe Resta (ed.) The city and the myth (pp. 10-13). Melfi, Itália: Libria.
Quinteiro, Sílvia (2022). Literary Cartography and Tourism. In Dimitrios Buhalis (ed.) Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing (pp. 63-65). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Quinteiro, Sílvia; Marques, Maria José Rodrigues (2022). Literary Heritage and Tourism. In Dimitrios Buhalis (ed.) Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing (pp. 65-67). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ribot, Almudena, and Enrique Espinosa et al (eds.). “Open City. Re-Thinking the Post-Industrial City.” In Atmospheres and Sensus Communis. Literary Analysis for the analysis and design of urban sites, edited by Klaske Havik and Hans Teerds, p.118-131. Barcelona: ACTAR, 2020
Riesto, Svava. 2018. Biography of an Industrial Landscape, Carlsberg’s Urban Space Retold. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University.
Sarmento, Clara. 2006 “The Angel in a Country of Last Things: DeLillo, Auster and the Post-Human Landscape.” Arcadia: Internationale Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft / International Journal of Literary Studies, vol. 41, no. 1: 147-59. ISSN: 0003-7982.
Sarmento, Clara, and Campos, Ricardo (eds.). 2014. Popular and Visual Culture: Design, Circulation and Consumption. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Sarmento, Clara. 2017. The Imagery of Writing in the Early Works of Paul Auster: From Stones to Books. Newcastle-upon-Tyne:Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Sarmento, Clara, and Pascoal, Sara Cerqueira (eds.). 2020. Cultural Tourism and Heritage in Northern Portugal. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Sarmento, Clara. 2020. “Methodological Proposals and Critical Responses for the Study of Graffiti and Street Art”. SAUC – Street Art & Urban Creativity Scientific Journal, 6(2), 24 – 47.
Sioli, Angeliki, and Yoonchun Jung, Reading Architecture: Literary Imagination and Architectural Experience. London: Routledge, 2018.
Soolep, Jüri. “Architecture, Education and Tomorrow.” MAJA 4 (2014): 18-29.
Soolep, Jüri. 2018. “Architecture, Imagospheric Horizon and Digital Universe.” Ireland: Archimedium.
Soolep, Jüri, ed. Nordic Dimension in Architectural Education: Working Towards Better Accreditation and Quality Assurance. Umeå universitet, 2013.
Soolep, Jüri. “Public SPACE and Urban LIFE – performance and space.” DATUTOP 24 (2004): 51-64.
Space, Representation and Practice in the Formation of Izmir During the Long Nineteenth Century Tanis, F. & Hein, C., 2020, Migrants and the Making of the Urban-Maritime World: Agency and Mobility in Port Cities, c. 1570–1940. Reimann, C. & Ohman, M. (eds.). Routledge – Taylor & Francis Group, p. 44-61 18 p. (Routledge Advances in Urban History).
Spatial Stories of Izmir: A Narrative Study on the Influence of Trader Families on the Spatial Development of the Port CityTanis, F. & Havik, K. M., 2020, In: In_Bo: ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la citta e l’architettura. 11, 15, p. 56-67.
Stan, Angelica. 2022. ”Exponate de artă brută”, Casa de Editura Max Blecher (Eds.).
Stan, Angelica. 2019. ”Some observations on how Danube is reflected in the minds of Its inhabitants. A Romanian Case Study: Lower Danube, Giurgiu City”. In Argument, no.11(2019). Ed. Univ. „Ion Mincu”, 71-87.
Stan, Angelica. 2018. ”River as center and/or barrier. The peripheral urban landscapes of romanian danube cities”. In JULP Review, no. 3 (2018) Ed. Univ. „Ion Mincu”
Stan, Angelica. 2015. “Crisis, Poetry, Process, Architecture”. In Proceeding of ICAR (International Conference on Architectural Research) – (Re)writing history, IC 078, Edited by “Ion Mincu Publishing House Bucharest”, 90-94.
Stan, Angelica. 2014, “The City’s Creative Writing: From Morphology to Virtual Landscape”. In Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, no. 12 (2014). Elsevier Publishing, 45-53.
Stan, Angelica. 2013. “Re-Reading the Landscape: for a new humanist dimension of the landscape concept”. In Landscape and Imagination – Towards a new baseline for Education in a Changing World, Bandecchi & Vivaldi (Eds). Paris, UNISCAPE
Stan, Angelica. 2011, “The City Poetry”. In URBANISMUL New series, Nr.8/2011, 35-42.
Szabo, J., Stan, A., Smatanova, J.,Simion, A., 2019. ”Danube Twin Cities” . In Benko, M., Pavel, G., Vitkova, L. (Eds). Book on Unexplored Cultural Heritage in Communities by the Danube: DANUrB 2017- 2019, Praha: Gasset, 65-69.
“The landscape story of my window.” Video file, 15:08. Youtube. Posted by Maria Bostenaru Dan, April 28, 2020.
Urban Scenes of a Port City: Exploring Beautiful İzmir through Narratives of Cosmopolitan Practices
Tanis, F., 2022, A+BE | Architecture and the Built Environment. 270 p.
Waite, Imge A. 2020. “Power Differentials in Istanbul Redevelopment Practices: Toward a More Collaborative Decision-Making Process.” Journal of Planning Education and Research (January).
Waite, Imge A. 2020. “Low-Income Resident Displacement through Regeneration: The Case of Ayazma, Istanbul.” Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Urban Design and Planning 173, no. 2 (April): 54–61.
Waite, Imge A. 2020. “Learning from Urban Regeneration Experiences in Istanbul: Some Remedies Regarding Empowerment, Governance, and Democracy.” IGLUS Quarterly 6 (1): 14–20. ISSN: 2571-628X.
Wende, W.; Nijhuis, S.; Mensing-de Jong, A.; Humann, M. (eds.).”Inclusive Urbanism. Advances in research, education and practice”. Research in Urbanism Series, Vol. 6 (2020). Delft, TU Delft Open. ISBN 978-9463663175. Download-Link: