WG 2 – Theoretical Framework
Working Group 2 is concerned with how theoretical reflections can stimulate the thinking and praxis of narrating urban places of medium-sized European cities. In 2019-2020, WG2 will focus on the collaborative project of compiling definitions of 100 Minor Concepts for Writing Urban Places into one publication. The compilation will be presented in the form of a Vademecum, a short guide that can be kept at hand for consultation when being in or writing about urban places.
A multi-disciplinary group, we seek to stimulate the reflection on writing urban places and to establish dialogue across various fields comprising a wide spectrum from literary theory to architectural and planning practices. The group aims at feeding into the other working groups in the COST Action and to adaptively learn from their ongoing work. Also, we seek dialogue with scholars in different fields concerned with the topic. Working Group 2 is organized around three tasks:
- Task 1: Developing multi- and transdisciplinary ground for the investigation of urban narratives of European medium-sized cities;
- Task 2: Conceptual reflections;
- Task 3: Preview of key literature about theories and concepts relevant to narrative analysis of the European medium-sized cities.