Dr., Dilek Öztürk Yağcı is currently working as a lecturer at Istanbul Technical University, School of Foreign Languages. She graduated from the Department of English Language and Literature, Ankara University. She completed her Master’s Degree in English Literature at Boğaziçi University with her thesis on narrative presence and the art of storytelling in Samuel Beckett’s drama. As part of her doctoral studies, she served as a research fellow at the Institute of Irish Studies in Queen’s University Belfast in 2017. She received her Ph.D degree from the English Department of Middle East Technical University (2021). Her dissertation explores the spatial dynamics of the Irish playwright Brian Friel’s drama, mainly in his three plays of the 1990s, against the backdrop of contemporary human geography and theories of space and place. Her research interests include contemporary British and Irish literature, drama & performance studies, space, place, and environment. dilekozturk@itu.edu.tr
COST provides networking opportunities for researchers and innovators in order to strengthen Europe’s capacity to address scientific, technological and societal challenges. There are three strategic priorities: promoting and spreading excellence, fostering interdisciplinary research for breakthrough science and empowering and retaining young researchers and innovators.
Writing Urban Places proposes an innovative investigation and implementation of a process for developing human understanding of communities, their society, and their situatedness, by narrative methods. It particularly focuses on the potential of narrative methods for urban development in European medium-sized cities.