Emilio J. Gallardo-Saborido, (Ph.D. in Latin American Literature) is Associate researcher in the Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos, Spanish National Research Council. His main areas of research are literature and cultural sociology of contemporary Latin America, paying special attention to the case of Cuba from 1959 to present. In 2009, he published the book El martillo y el espejo: directrices de la política cultural cubana (1959-1976) and in 2015 Diseccionar los laureles: los premios dramáticos de la Revolución Cubana (1959-1976). More recently, he has edited along with other colleagues the volume Asedios al caimán letrado: literatura y poder en la Revolución cubana (2018). In addition, he works on the configuration of the contemporary Andalusian cultural identity. In connection with this, he has published the monograph Gitana tenías que ser: las Andalucías imaginadas por las coproducciones fílmicas iberoamericanas (2010). Currently, he is investigating on the relationships between flamenco music, literature and Andalusian and Latin American cities. Email: emilio.gallardo@csic.es
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Writing Urban Places proposes an innovative investigation and implementation of a process for developing human understanding of communities, their society, and their situatedness, by narrative methods. It particularly focuses on the potential of narrative methods for urban development in European medium-sized cities.