Luc Pauwels is a Full Professor of Visual Research Methods at the University of Antwerp (Faculty of Social Sciences), Founder and Director of the Visual & Digital Cultures Research Center (ViDi) and Vice-President Research of the ‘Visual Sociology’ Research Committee of the International Sociological Association (ISA). He published widely on visual research methodologies, visual ethics, family photography, web site analysis, anthropological filmmaking, visual corporate culture, urban culture, and scientific visualization. Books include: ‘Visual Cultures of Science’ (2006, UPNE), ‘Reframing Visual Social Science. Towards a More Visual Sociology and Anthropology’ (2015, Cambridge University Press) and ‘The Sage Handbook of Visual Research Methods’ (2020, 2nd ed. with D. Mannay). He is on the Editorial Board of ‘Visual Studies’, ‘Visual Communication’, and the ‘Journal of Visual Literacy’. Currently he is conducting two externally funded projects in visual and multimodal methods for researching cities and its inhabitants, with an emphasis on participatory and arts-based techniques. E-mail: luc.pauwels@uantwerpen.be.; URL: lucpauwels.com
