Natália Constâncio is a researcher in the Instituto de Estudos de Literatura e Tradição (IELT), FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She holds an MA and a PhD in Portuguese Studies (Literature), with the thesis Subversão e Paródia na Obra de Mário de Carvalho (2012). She has several works on the cited writer, such as “Humanos, Animais e seus iguais: Epítome de uma morte anunciada, em Mário de Carvalho“, published in Falas da Terra no Séc. XXI (2011), Ruínas e Incertezas em Um Deus Passeando Pela Brisa da Tarde, de Mário de Carvalho (2007) and Paixão, Aleivosia e Morte em O Conde Jano, by Mário de Carvalho (2004), among others. She has published string booklets at the Apenas Livros publisher. She is the author of the novel O Homem que vivia dentro dos sonhos (2016). With the pseudonym Dulcineia, she signed the historical novel A súplica de D. Pedro (2014), the children’s book Inês, a Fada-Boneca – o roubo das Letras e das Cores do Arco-Íris (2015), and published poetry in anthologies. She collaborates on the project LIT&TOUR (UAlg.) and coordinates the project “Atlas of Literary Landscapes of Mainland Portugal” ( together with Daniel Alves (IHC).
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Writing Urban Places proposes an innovative investigation and implementation of a process for developing human understanding of communities, their society, and their situatedness, by narrative methods. It particularly focuses on the potential of narrative methods for urban development in European medium-sized cities.