Sara Santos Cruz, PhD, is Assistant professor at the University of Porto, Spatial Planning and Environment Division, and senior researcher at CITTA – Research Centre for Territory, Transports and Environment. Her main research interests focus on urban design, development and management, in particular research into: the urban space and processes that shape it, its social and psychological significance, meanings and values of public spaces, agencies of urban change, and implications of urban change for the communities (and certain vulnerable groups) and for the environment. She has been involved in several European and national research projects related to topics such as: the publicness of public spaces, generative urban spaces, planning and active ageing, sustainable land use policies for resilient cities, citizen sensing to improve urban resilience, sustainable urban metabolism, impact of closed condominiums in urban form, and improving the implementation of environmental impact assessment. Further info: http://citta.fe.up.pt/about-us/staff/scruz  Email: scruz@fe.up.pt
