Tatjana Jovović is an associate professor of Russian literature, culture and language at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Montenegro. Also, she is a dean at the same Faculty. She completed her Ph.D. thesis Plays of Zinaida Gippius: Four symbolistic experiments at the University of Belgrade and earlier her master thesis named Moscow of 20’s in stories and reportages of Mikhail Bulgakov at the same University. The main fields of her scientific interest are contemporary Russian literature, arts and culture, and the periods of Silver Age, Avant-Gard and Postmodernism. She is interested in cultural topics from the aspect of interdisciplinary contact of literature, philosophy, mythology, religion and visual arts. Her current researches are related to conceptualism, street culture and forms of art-activism in post-socialist countries.
COST provides networking opportunities for researchers and innovators in order to strengthen Europe’s capacity to address scientific, technological and societal challenges. There are three strategic priorities: promoting and spreading excellence, fostering interdisciplinary research for breakthrough science and empowering and retaining young researchers and innovators.
Writing Urban Places proposes an innovative investigation and implementation of a process for developing human understanding of communities, their society, and their situatedness, by narrative methods. It particularly focuses on the potential of narrative methods for urban development in European medium-sized cities.