The editorial team
Cidália F. Silva, Marta Labastida, Rute Carlos and Fernando P. Ferreira
Through the selection of cartographies developed in Integrated Master theses in the field of knowledge of City and Territory at the EAUM, the book aims to reflect on forms and methods of representing contemporary places inside and outside the Portuguese territory, thus making visible the relational complexity that each of these places bears in its specificity.
The book will be presented by Bruna Montuori (School of Architecture, Royal College of Art), Maria Goula (Cornell University) and Susana Oliveira (FBAUL) and moderated by Cidália F. Silva (EAAD UMinho / SRH University) and Fernando P. Ferreira (Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL).
Online event Friday 25 Feb 2022, at 18.00 (GMT)
The event will follow this order:
18.00-18.10 – Introduction of the book by Cidália F. Silva and Fernando P. Ferreira
18.10-18.20 – Susana Oliveira speaks (focus on the theme of the book: ‘Fieldwork’)
18.20-18.30 – Maria Goula speaks (focus on the theme of the book: ‘Time’)
18.30-18.40 – Bruna Montuori speaks (focus on the theme of the book: ‘Scale’)
18.40-19.00 – Time for Discussion between editors, inviters, and the public.
19.00-19.15 – Presentation of the Link to access the Book / Closure remarks