Speculative Fictions for Decolonial Futures with Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay & Jane AlberdeYou are invited to the last talk in the Landscapes of Injustice, Landscapes of Repair Series on speculative fictions for decolonial futures with Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay (UiO) & Jane Alberdeston (SUNY Binghamton). The event will be introduced by Alexandra Moore (HRI, Binghamton), and moderated by Hanna Musiol and Ysabel Muñoz (Narrating Sustainability & Envirocen, NTNU).
Welcome and introduction by Alexandra Moore (HRI), Hanna Musiol, and Ysabel Munoz
Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay, “The ‘Co’ in CoFutures”
Jane Alberdeston, “Navigating a Speculative Universe: A Reading from Colony 51”
Q&A with the panelists and the public.
The event is co-organized by the Human Rights Institute and Citizenship, Rights and Cultural Belonging TAE (Binghamton University), and Narrating Sustainability & Envirocen, NTNU (Norway). It is co-sponsored by the Sustainable Communities TAE (Binghamton University). The webinar is open and free to all.
Apr 21, 2023 04:00 PM in Paris
For details on the webinar, please see here