Online Symposium: “Where City and Territory Meet…” 16 and 17 September, 2021

Call for extended abstracts, videos and slide shows
How does the territorial project manifest in the actual design of our built environment?

Taking current and historic urban and rural projects as a base to move beyond a reconsideration of the profession’s fundamental goals and means, this online symposium invites theoretical, practical, methodological and empirical contributions that look at how the ongoing societal discourse manifests in space. We understand projects both as the medium and outcome of an amalgam of influences, be they of ecological, economic, cultural, social or political nature. Thus, we welcome extended abstracts which explore how these influences are part of the territorial project and enable its spatial manifestation. We look forward to contributions from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds, be they architecture, landscape architecture, urbanism, planning or geography, urban studies and policy making.

We particularly encourage submissions that investigate (but are not limited to) the following topic areas and questions in a historical or contemporary perspective:

·          Quality in urban design

·          Justice in urban design

·          Pluridisciplinary and pluridimensional implementation processes

Detailed information on the Call is available in the attached brochure (below) and on our webpage:


The online symposium lasts for 1,5 days and contains keynotes by Prof. Aglaée DegrosProf. Emeritus Marcel SmetsDr. Eva Schwab and DI Markus Bogensberger as well as panel discussions, videos and slide shows alongside the paper sessions.

By participating in the online symposium, you will also have the opportunity to qualify for participation in a live symposium at the Haus der Architektur in Graz in February 2022 as well as the corresponding publication. Potential participants for the live event in February 2022 will be contacted after the online symposium.

Submission Deadline: 16.05.2021 
Disciplines: architects | landscape architects | urbanists | planners and designers | scholars with a background in planning and design, geography, urban studies | policy makers

Formats: Presentations of research and practice projects, videos and slide shows 
Language: English Online
Tool: webex 

145 | Institut für Städtebau

Fakultät für Architektur

Technische Universität Graz

Rechbauerstraße 12/II, 8010 Graz

T: +43/316 873-6286


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