The publication is the result of a collaboration between Alina Cristea (LUCA School of Arts/KU Leuven), Mira Sanders (KU Leuven – Faculty of Architecture, campus Sint-Lucas Brussels and Ghent), and Ileana Marin (University of Bucharest/University of Washington).
Photograph by by Koen Cant
Through photography, text, drawing, film, and mixed media, the authors explore the mapping of (micro) situations witnessed in the city of Bucharest. The use of image and text forms a common thread across the contributions of the different authors: Alina Cristea draws from her research and practice Bucharest. The City with One Inhabitant. The City-Me, Mira Sanders brings in the act of drawing to represent/explore ways of spatial experiences, and Ileana Marin examines the creative power of wandering in the city of Bucharest through a selection of Romanian literary works.
This publication does not aim to give an exact representation of Bucharest, but rather to make side notes of its city-ness and to what extent the authors’ actions reveal (or not) other features of the city, at a given time in this spatial context.
Through the book design, Fien Vaneenooghe takes us on a walk through the different contributions and facets of the perceived Bucharest.
Photograph by by Koen Cant
Publisher Grafische Cel, LUCA School of Arts
Authors Alina Cristea, Ileana Marin, Mira Sanders
Text editing Liesbeth Decan, Claudia Jensen
Production Michaël Bussaer & Inge Ketelers
Graphic Design Fien Vaneenooghe
Printing Antilope De Bie
Paper Munken Print 1.8 Cream FSC, Magno Gloss FSC
Typeface GT Alpina, Courier, Trade Gothic
Funding LUCA School of Arts – Research unit Intermedia (Impulsproject) & Research Cluster Photography Expanded; KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture – Campus Sint-Lucas, Brussels/Ghent; ÉTÉ 78
Distribution Idea Books; available worldwide via Copyright Bookshop
Dimensions 168 x 240 mm
104 + 64 pages
ISBN 9789492574244