Review: Vademecum – Journal of European Landscapes

Marilena Mela has reviewed Vademecum: 77 Minor Terms for Writing Urban Places (2020, eds. Klaske Havik, Kris Pint, Svava Riesto and Henriette Steiner) for the Journal of European Landscapes.

From her abstract:

“The book is the product of an interdisciplinary collaboration of 38 authors, and consists of a collection of terms that offer alternative understandings of urban space and places. In the review, I discuss the topic, structure, and relevance of the book, I suggest different ways of reading it, and I connect it with related genealogies in cultural and spatial studies. Overall, the wide geographical and disciplinary spectrum of Vademecum makes it a good read for anyone engaged with the complex object of landscape.

Mela is a PhD candidate at the Free University, Amsterdam.


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