Annalisa Setti
In Ireland we are allowed to go out for physical exercise within 2km form home, but I decided that the walk near my house, although beautiful, is too busy to really enjoy its restorative power. Where I live is a classic Irish house, semi-detached with a medium size garden surrounded by walls, Irish people treasure their privacy very much. I am a passionate runner, although not a serious one, i.e. nowhere near marathons. I often go for a short run, and the river walk is always busy with runners and walkers: in Ireland everybody gets outdoors as fast as possible when the weather is nice. However, for now, this is no more, at least for me, since ‘social distancing’ (or better physical distancing) kicked in. The photo shows my garden-run path, it is not as scenic as the river walk, but I can see grass and trees and I can hear the neighbors making breakfast, while children are still in bed, but soon they will be out jumping on the on the trampoline. It is a new way to enjoy nature, not the nature that impresses and amazes, but a homely nature that perhaps I haven’t noticed as much before.