This Repository aims to collect a number of methods – understood as systematic procedures, techniques and ways of acting – for the appraisal of cities, in their physical, cultural and imaginary dimensions. Together with fresh and creative approaches to established methods used by the different disciplines that deal with the urban, the Repository will also include a series of unorthodox experimental methods developed to explore, examine and discover urban places from equally innovative theoretical perspectives.
Working Group 3 invites all members of our COST Action Writing Urban Places to contribute to the Repository of Methods by submitting one or more methods to put to the test in mid-sized European cities. The type of entries will be twofold: each method is firstly a) described in a brief text that synthesises and contextualises it, and b) followed by short and direct assignments – understood as clear instructions on how to use a method. The methods and their assignments should trigger reflections and produce outputs that can eventually be reported back.
Each method submission consists of two parts:
a) a description
Short texts of about 300 – 600 words, referring to the objectives, instruments, contexts, as well as to the outcomes of a method.
- Must be written in English and use clear, accessible language;
- May include 3 – 5 bibliographic references;
- May include images (with credits and captions).
b) one or more assignments
Clear sequential instructions to operationalise a method or to put at work a part of it.
- Must be written in English and use clear, direct language;
- Should be numbered, and remain preferably under ten steps.
Contributions must be submitted by 28/02/2022 through this form or sent to Format of submission DOC file (or equivalent) and images in JPG or PNG (with printable resolution). Submissions will be sent to external reviewers.
This book will be printed by nai010 publishers and a digital version will be publicly available on The format will be similar to the Vademecum, 77 minor terms for Writing Urban Places. The expected date of publication is Autumn 2022. The intellectual property of each entry belongs to the contributors, their names and affiliation will be clearly mentioned.
Main editors: Carlos Machado e Moura, Dalia Milián Bernal, Esteban Restrepo Restrepo and Klaske Havik