Edited by Slobodan Velevski & Luís Santiago Baptista
Having in mind the disciplinary variety of the COST network participants, the general aim of this second event was two folded. First, to invite members across all Working Groups of the Action that have different research background (architecture, urban planning, literary theory, art, heritage, cultural and visual studies etc.) to present their personal understanding of project based field work by reflecting on their previous professional and academic engagement, and second to make connection of their earlier work with the meaningfulness, appropriation and integration as three major topics of our COST Action that serve as thematic backbone for discussion and elaboration of contemporary urban conditions in mid-sized European cities.
In order to foster connection between the fieldwork and the three major topics, the webinar structure was divided in three thematic sessions. The first session was entitled Mapping and it corresponds with case studies reflecting on the topic of meaningfulness, the second session named Performing presented projects that aim to establish relation towards the aspect of appropriation, and the third session was designated Sharing with clear intention of presenting the integrative strength of the fieldwork. The presentations in each of the sessions were enriched with the insightful contributions by other members of the COST Action that took part as respondents with the aim to comment the presented material. The respondents’ comments were intended to encompass the extensive variety of presented material with specificities that are coming from research perspective of their field of interest. The three sessions concluded with round table discussion in which Action participants share their impressions of presented material but also their understanding of the filed work.